Publication details

Visual cognitive styles in virtual environments : Constructing and evaluating adequate task



Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Kognicia a umelý život XVII, 2017
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Psychology
Keywords visual cognitive styles; virtual environments
Description Visual cognitive styles manifest in ways humans implicitly process visual cues from their surroundings. A question arises: how are cognitive styles to be measured? Classic approaches make use of questionnaires or figural tasks. However, the nature of these approaches fails at capturing complexity of real visual compositions. With the onset of (mobile) eye-tracking devices, this limitation can be overcome; the paradigm, however, still revolves around receptive processing of existing visual material. The aim of this paper is to consider constructing 3D virtual scenes, followed by utilizing such scenes in visual cognitive styles tasks -- using virtual reality and eye-tracking devices. While constructing virtual environments does indeed offer new possibilities, technological constraints and visual perception limitations do, however, introduce some new limitations to the table. Therefore, offering a methodological grasp of virtual scene construction is relevant.
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