Publication details

Electrochemical and electrophoretic deposition of materials obtained by anodic dissolution of metals in water



Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XVII. Workshop of Physical Chemists and Electrochemists
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Physical chemistry and theoretical chemistry
Keywords electrophoretic deposition; metals; SERS; EDX; carbon fiber microelectrodes
Description Electrochemical dissolution of metal anodes in unsupported medium such as water generates metal oxide/hydroxide material which can be deposited onto a suitable substrate connected as a cathode in the electrochemical cell. Depending on the properties of anode-derived material (zeta potential and solubility), metal electroreduction or electrophoretic deposition of anode-derived material can be achieved. Nanostructured deposits can be applied as amperometric and SERS sensors. In the previous works1-3, we showed that anodization of silver and copper in ultrapure water leads to Ag+ resp. Cu2+ cations, reacting with OH- ions available from the autoprotolysis of water to give corresponding hydroxides, eventually transformed by further hydrolytic reactions. This anode-derived material is transported in the interelectrode space by electrophoretic, diffusion and convection induced by density or temperature gradients. After reaching the surface of the counterelectrode (cathode), a deposit is formed. Recently, the above described strategy was used also to deposit nickel and copper-copper nickel alloy onto carbon fiber microelectrodes. In the case of silver and copper the procedure leads to elemental silver resp. copper while material obtained from nickel and copper-nickel alloy is of oxidic nature, as suggested by EDX.
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