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Sekularizace nebo re-sakralizace? Prostory víry mladých věřících v Brně
Title in English | Secularisation or re-sacralisation? Spaces of faith among young believers in Brno |
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Year of publication | 2017 |
Type | Article in Proceedings |
Conference | 20th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences. Conference Proceedings. |
MU Faculty or unit | |
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Field | Sociology, demography |
Keywords | secularisation; religiosity; grounded theory |
Description | The decrease of formal religiosity has been considered a result of long-term influences of modernization processes and forced secularization during the period of the Communist rule. This secularisation thesis has been called in question by authors documenting signs of religious revival, or re-sacralisation. The concepts such as pluralization and privatization of the religious life, alternative religiosity or personal spirituality are closely connected with re-sacralisation. The objectives of this article are to explore the transformation of religiosity from the viewpoint of the young believers in Brno – with the focus on their religious imagery and spatial practices. The theoretical frame of our work is grounded in the secularization thesis and its critique. The methods of qualitative research has been utilized, based on the participant observations and semi-structured interviews with young believers in Brno. The grounded theory in the vein of Strauss and Corbin (1999) has been employed to analyse the data. It is based in the thorough analysis of the interviews with the use of coding and leads to construction of the theory grounded in the data. |
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