Publication details

The jumping plant-lice of Laos (Hemiptera: Psylloidea)



Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

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Field Zoology
Keywords Psyllids; Taxonomy; New record; Distribution; Host plants; Oriental region
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Description The jumping plant-lice of Laos are reviewed based on material collected during recent expeditions by the Moravian Museum(1997–2011), the NaturhistorischesMuseumBasel (2003–2012) and the Seoul National University(2012–2015). To date, only three psyllid species, viz. Diaphorina citri, Heteropsylla cubana and Pseudophacopteron tuberculatum, have been recorded from Laos. In the material at hand, 49 species (of 6 families and 27 genera) are represented. This collection includes the three previously reported species and 22 species reported for the first time from Laos. Twenty-four species are identified only to genus due to insufficient material. The following nomenclatorial changes are formally proposed: Insnesia drypetisuga (Li, 2004), comb. nov. (from Auchmerina); Insnesia longitaenialis (Li, 2011), comb. nov. (from Auchmerina); Insnesia maculosa (Fang & Yang, 1986), comb. rev. (from Auchmerina); Insnesia yunnanensis (Li, 2011), comb. nov. (from Auchmerina); Trioza maculata (Yang, 1984) = Triozopsis ruiliensis Li, 2011, syn. nov.

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