Publication details

Profesionální a neprofesionální ekzémová onemocnění u pracovníků v kovoprůmyslu

Title in English Professional and non-professional eczema in metal workers


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Referátový výběr z dermatovenerologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Dermatovenerology
Keywords metal industries; irritative dermatitis; contact eczema; industrial liquids; metals
Description In Metal Workers with eczma the most common type of eczma is irritative dermatitis, which can consequently be complicated with the development of contact hypersensitivity with the developement of occupational contact dermatitis. The cause of irritative dermatitis in the metal industry are usually the minerál oils and cooling emulsions that are prepared from them. The formation of irritative dermatitis may also be exacerbated by aggressi-vely cleaning the skin with cleaning pastes. The cause of contact sensitization may be from components of industrial fluids, ie. substances preservative, emulsifying agents and/or antioxidants.

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