Publication details

Is a common EU target for municipal waste recycling achievable?



Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Citation HŘEBÍČEK, Jiří and Jana SOUKOPOVÁ. Is a common EU target for municipal waste recycling achievable? In ATHENS2017. 5th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management. 2017.
Description The paper analyses the Commission Decision (2011/753/EU) establishing rules and calculation methods for Amendments adopted by the European Parliament on 14 March 2017 regarding the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2008/98/EC on waste (COM(2015)0595 – C8-0382/2015 – 2015/0275(COD)). We present an analysis of the calculation of recycling targets for municipal waste in the period 2010 – 2015 carried out using 4 calculation methods for the Member States of the European Union (EU). We try to assess the differences in interpretation of the EU Municipal Waste (MW) definitions and the impact that different recycling rate calculation methods have on final recycling figures. We discuss significant inconsistencies in the data collection methods and interpretation of the definition of MW used to support the opinion of the European Parliament from March 14, 2017 that the calculation of recycled MW should be based on one harmonised method which will prevent Member States from reporting discarded waste as recycled waste. A case study of the Czech Republic is discussed with respect to the common EU 50 % target for recycling MW in 2020 and 65 % target for recycling MW in 2030, with consideration given to whether this goal is achievable in the Czech Republic.
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