Publication details

Roles of attachment relationships in emerging adults' career decision-making process : A two-year longitudinal research design

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Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Vocational Behavior
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Psychology
Keywords Career decision-making process Emerging adulthood Parental attachment Peer attachment Romantic attachment Self-concept clarity
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Description This study examined whether attachment relationships with the mother, father, best friend, and romantic partner relate to the career decision-making process (occupational information, goal selection and vocational identity) of emerging adults directly as well as indirectly through selfconcept clarity as a mediator. The questionnaires were administered to 1,342 young people at two time points (two years apart). The results of our structural equation modeling analyses indicated significant direct paths between attachment to all figures under the investigation and career decision-making process at Time 1. The self-concept clarity mediated all associations between attachment figures and career decision-making process. Moreover, at Time 2, only attachment to the romantic partner (not to the other attachment figures) was associated with the career decision-making process both directly and indirectly through the self-concept clarity. These findings suggest that the romantic partner is the most influential attachment figure in emerging adults' career decision-making process, although attachment relationships with parents and the best friend also remain important in their career development.
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