Publication details

Vliv plyometrického tréninku (depth jump) na běžeckou a cyklistickou ekonomiku pohybu

Title in English The effect of plyometric training (depth jump) on running economy and cycling economy

BÍLÝ Jiří CACEK Jan KALINA Tomáš SUNDAY Akaninyene Arnold

Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia Sportiva
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Sport and leisure time activities
Keywords short stretch cycle; vertical jump
Description Endurance sport performance is influenced by many factors, such as motor economies. In this research we focused on running and cycling economies. Twenty-eight first year students of Faculty of Sport science of Masaryk University (age 20.29 ± 0.94 years, height 182.32 ± 7.98 cm, weight 76.98 ± 10.03 kg) were purposively selected to participate as subjects. The test subjects were randomized into experimental group (n = 17) and control group (n = 11). Pre-test and post-test were taken on RE and CE. The PI protocol was eight weeks, twice a week, eight sets per day, and ten repetitions per set. The results showed that short-term plyometric training using depth jump had no significant effect on RE when running at 10 and 12 km.h–1. Likewise there was no significant effect on CE using strain of 1.5–1 and 2–1. From the point of view of practical use we do not recommend apply analogous plyometric training using declared running speed and cycling intensity.

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