Publication details

First record of a common endolithic lichenized fungus species Catenarina desolata Sochting, Sogaard et Elvebakk. from James Ross Island (Antarctic Peninsula)


HALICI Mehmet, Gokhan GULLU Mithat BARTÁK Miloš

Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Czech Polar Reports
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

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Field Botany
Keywords Antarctica; first report; southern hemisphere; lichens; Teloschistaceae
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Description Catenarina desolata, a species which was recently described from southernmost Chile is reported from the Antarctica for the first time. Although it was described as lichenicolous, in James Ross Island, many specimens belonging to this species have non lichenicolous habit. The dubious reports of Caloplaca aff. anchonphoenicon from James Ross Island actually belongs to Catenarina desolata. Collections were evaluated using morphological, anatomical and molecular characteristics (nrITS). The morphological and ecological variations of this species are discussed in this paper
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