Publication details

Using Markdown Inside TeX Documents



Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XXV Międzynarodowa Konferencja Użytkowników Systemu TeX, Materiały konferencyjne
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords Markdown; Lua; LuaTeXMarkdown; Lua; LuaTeX; LaTeX; ConTeXt; TeX
Description Markdown is a lightweight markup language that makes it easy to write structurally simple documents using a clean and straightforward syntax. Although various tools for rendering Markdown documents via TeX exist, they tend to be built on top of TeX rather than in TeX. The paper briefly presents a number of existing tools and introduces a macro package for plain-based TeX formats that takes a different approach. By making it possible to put snippets of Markdown-formatted text into arbitrary TeX documents and by exposing TeX macros that control the rendering of Markdown elements, the package provides a convenient way of introducing Markdown into existing TeX workflows.
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