Publication details

Testování výstupů vědecko-výzkumných projektů ve výuce na vysokých školách

Title in English Testing outputs of scientific-research projects in education -research projects in education


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Vysoké školy ako motory rozvoja vedomostí a zručností absolventov pre globálny trh práce. Zborník abstraktov z kolokvia
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords University education; proof-of-concept; research
Description The paper is focused on the process of implementation of the results of scientific research in basic and applied research (or experimental development) into the educational process at universities. The aim is to test the effectiveness of implementation of the proof-of-concept application selected research on the example of involvement master's degree programs students. The case study focuses on the adaptation of the results of applied research activities conducted at the Czech Academy of Sciences to the learning environment of the Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management at Tomas Bata University in Zlin.

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