Publication details

De alieno nostrum: Aluzivní strategie v mytologických centonech z Vergilia

Title in English De alieno nostrum: Allusive Strategies of the Mythological Centos from Virgil


Year of publication 2017
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Description In the lecture, seven mythological epyllia composed of lines from Virgil (Anth. Lat. 9-15 Riese) were introduced and characterized. These texts ingeniously imitate Virgil´s literary style and at the same time allude to other authors of the classical tradition. The allusive strategies identified in this substantial part of the cento production of Late Antiquity include motif (mostly lexical) and thematic allusions (pointed references), secondary allusions (allusions by Virgil to Virgil, allusions by Virgil to other authors), and zero allusions.

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