Publication details

Strontium Analyses of Human Bones from the Southern Suburb of the Early Medieval Stronghold Břeclav – Pohansko (Czech Republic)

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Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In 1960-1962, 1975-1979 and 1991-1994, 205 graves were unearthed in the southern suburb of the medieval stronghold Breclav – Pohansko (Czech Republic). The excavated area sized ca. 9 ha represents about 40 % of the presumed total area of the suburb. The graves were scattered either isolated, by twos or threes, or in small discrete groups within the settlement component. The spatial arrangement of funerary areas and variety of burial practices indicate a culturally, religiously and maybe ethnically mixed community. Modern research on population buried in the southern suburb during the 9th century involved standard information sources extended by natural-scientific analyses of skeletal material: isotopes (Sr – migrations), DNA (sex determination), histology, MicroCT, X-ray (health, pathologies), radiocarbon analysis (dating). The conference paper will be focused on results of strontium analyses, which confirmed the assumption of a mixed community.
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