Publication details

Rozbor aktuálního vývoje trhu zemědělského pojištění v České republice

Title in English Development of the agricultural insurance market in the Czech Republic


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis
Field Management and administrative
Keywords agricultural insurance, commercial insurance company, premium subsidies
Description Proactive approach to risk management of agriculture companies is the way to ensure the efficiency of agricultural production even affected by natural disasters, to ensure the continuity of agricultural business and ultimately affect the level of development of rural regions. The instrument that solves the problem of reduction and elimination of risks associated with agricultural production is a systemic approach to the insurance of agricultural production, both crop insurance and livestock insurance, linked to a support program for SME in agriculture. This presented scientific paper aims to identify and discuss the possibility of eliminating risks possibly threatening the agricultural production and to analyze forms of covering risks associated with agricultural production on the commercial insurance market in the Czech Republic. The paper analyzes the current situation and current development of the agricultural insurance on the insurance market in the Czech Republic. This paper was written as a part of the research project MSM 6215648904, carried out by the Faculty of Business and Economics, under the title „The Czech economics in the processes of integration and globalization, and the development of the agriculture and service sector in the new conditions of the integrated European market“, following the goals and methodology of the research project.

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