Publication details

Zpracování, vizualizace a dolování dat z pohledu rozhodovacích procesů. 13.–14. září 2017, Telč

Title in English Data processing, visualization, and mining from the perspective of decision-making processes


Year of publication 2017
Type Editing of thematic compilation, editing of monothematic issue of profesional journal
Description The two-day course aims to provide a complex view of the process of information mining from various data sources and to point out potential difficulties in solving specific tasks in practice. Individual thematic units have been designed in a way which not only reveals the theoretical background for an overall orientation in knowledge-mining issues, but also demonstrates various approaches used in real projects. Last but not least, attention is paid to teamwork, which always requires an appropriate setting of communication channels in order to pass on information among individual departments, the expert guarantor and the contracting authority.

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