Publication details

Classroom Management Strategies of Student Teachers on Their Teaching Practice: Effect of their Cognitive Closure

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Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

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Description The aim of the paper is to describe how do student teachers´classroom management strageties during their teaching practice differ according to their need for cognitive closure. The qualitative video-research sample consisted of 6 student teachers on their long term practice in 6 lower secondary comprehensive classes from 6 schools (ISCED 2A) in the Czech Republic. From each student teacher we videotaped (teacher camera, students´ camera) 6 lessons taught in Czech language or History in 1 class and conducted an interview and questionnaire (BIMS, NFCS) and reflective diaries data collection. The quantitative on-line research sample consisted of 141 student teachers of the first year master study of teacher education at the Masaryk university (scales BIMS, NFCS).Qualitative data deepen typology of student teachers classroom management strategies. We describe in detail CMS, its characteristics and effects in the classroom.
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