Publication details

Dopady regulace finančních institucí v novém prostředí

Title in English Impacts of the regulation of financial institutions under new conditions


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Firma a konkurenční prostředí 2007. Sekce 3: Management v novém prostředí. Brno: MSD, spol. s r. o., 2007. ISBN 978-80-86633-85-5.
Field Management and administrative
Keywords bank, insurance company, regulation
Description Financial markets are experiencing substantional changes, including liberalization of capital markets and capital flows, globalization of firms, globalization of markets, development of financial innovations (such as derivatives and securitization). These changes required financial authorities to formulate principles of regulation based on risk management. In banking sector, this new approach is called Basel II, and in insurance industry Solvency II. Both concepts are similarly based on regulation considering management of risks of financial institutions and financial markets. This article compares Basel II for banking sector and Solvency II in insurance industry and their application in the Czech financial markets.

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