Publication details

Aesthetic Diagnosis in Gestalt Therapy



Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Behavioral Sciences
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web článek
Field Psychology
Keywords diagnostický proces v psychoterapii; estetická diagnóza; gestalt terapie
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Description The diagnostic process in psychotherapy using the aesthetic evaluation is described in this article. Unlike the classical diagnostic process, which presents a result of comparing clinicians´ observations with a diagnostic system (DSM, ICD, etc.), the aesthetic evaluation is a pre-reflexive, embodied, and preverbal process. A Gestalt Therapy theoretical frame is used to introduce a concept of the aesthetic diagnostic process. During this process, the clinicians use their own here-and-now presence, which takes part in the co-creation of the shared relational field during the therapeutic session. A specific procedure of the aesthetic evaluation is introduced. The clinical work with depressed clients is presented to illustrate this perspective.

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