Publication details

Cox proportional hazard model: A tool for evaluation of knee implant survival conditional on patient reported outcome measures


BENDOVÁ Veronika KATINA Stanislav JANOŠOVÁ Markéta ROVŇÁK Marek NEČAS Libor

Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description In our study we used Cox proportional hazard model to describe patient health condition after undergoing total knee replacement (TKR) surgery. We have focused on 980 patients that have undergone TKR surgery in Slovakia in date 2009-2015. Patient's health condition was measured by WOMAC A, B, C scores and KSS1 and KSS2 scores. Cox proportional hazard model with time dependent covariates was used to describe causal relationship between survival/failure of TKR and patient’s and implant’s characteristics. Some parts of WOMAC questionnaire, sex, diagnosis, age, WOMAC A score, WOMAC C score and KSS1 score was shown as significant factors that influence odds of patient's implant's failure.
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