Publication details

Dítě s Moebiovým syndromem z pohledu logopeda

Title in English The Child with Moebius Syndrome from the Point of View of the Speech Therapist


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Speciální pedagogika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords rare illnes; Moebius Syndrome; development of speech; disorder of the nerves of the head
Description Moebius Syndrome is a rare neurological disability of the nerves of the head, which results in inability to control the mesculature in the oro-facial area. Childrenwith Moebius Syndrome have problems with the mobility of the lips, tongue, cheeks and soft palate. In most cases the development of children with this syndrome differs from and lags behind the development of their normal contemporaries. The proces of therapy is long-term and requires the intervention of many specialised experts.
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