Publication details

New trends in banking sector



Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference European Financial Systems 2017 Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific Conference Part 1 June 26-27, 2017 Brno, Czech
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords Bank; Deposits; Revenue; Liabilities; Profit
Attached files
Description The aim of this paper is to analyze the policy of banks in relation to their clients. Long-term systematic increase in deposits and a decline in interest rates in the economy bring new problems and questions how to cope with the increase. With the increase is linked to the management of assets and liabilities. It plays an important role and expected developments in key interest rates. The paper mainly deals with the impact of interbank PRIBOR 3M, which is considered crucial interest rate. Banks derive mainly from the interest rate loans to clients. Deposit growth not only in the banking sector, and has their subsequent rebound in banking policy and the creation of new banking products, with consequent impacts on the economy of the bank. Impacts vary according to the size of banks and their client segmentation. The basis is literature review, which is connected to the analytical part (using modeling Gretl), using data available in the system ARAD (Czech National Bank).In conclusion, it is assessed recent developments, future outlook and anticipated impacts of the financial sector.

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