Publication details

Vyhodnocení kinetiky VO2 v zotavovací fázi spiroergometrického vyšetření u kardiologicky nemocných – význam a klasifikace

Title in English An assessment of VO2 kinetics in the recovery phase of cardiopulmonary exercise test in patients with heart disease-importance and classification


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Other medical specializations
Keywords cardiopulmonary exercise test; chronic heart failure; prognosis; recovery kinetics of oxygen uptake
Description The article reviews the course of VO2 in the phase of recovery kinetics of oxygen uptake (VO2rec) cardiopulmonary exercise test. VO2rec kinetics cannot be completely defined using a single parameter. The article describes the three most frequently used methods: %VO2-REC2, T1/2 VO2rec and TC VO2, and provides detailed procedures of their analysis. The three aforementioned parameters are also at the heart of our classification of VO2rec. The method %VO2-REC2 is an essential one, in our view, since its prognostic significance is proven and it can be also easily applied only based on a data record of the cardiopulmonary exercise test. %VO2-REC2 should be seen, together with VO2peak, VE/VCO2 slope and exercise oscillatory ventilation (EOV) - as one of the four elementary prognostic markers establishing an advanced chronic heart failure.

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