Publication details

Jak efektivně provádět binokulární korekci sférické a cylindrické složky

Title in English How to Effectively Perform Binocular Correction of Spherical and Cylindrical Components


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Mikuláš 2017 s optometrií a ortoptikou
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field ORL, ophthalmology, stomatology
Keywords Binocular correction; binocular subjective refraction; binocular balance
Description Subjective refraction should be performed under conditions that simulate the patient´s normal distance viewing situation – including vergence, accommodation and pupil size. During monocular refraction, the occluder can induce proximal accommodation, manifest any horizontal heterophoria (with associated changes in accommodation) and any vertical or cyclophoria that could lead to an incorrect assessment of astigmatism. A binocular balance of accommodation is typically performed after a monocular refraction to relax and balance accommodation in the two eyes. Binocular refraction is also preferref in patients with latent nystagmus.

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