Publication details

Jogos especulares da mulher ausente : ficcao de David Mourao-Ferreira e Helder Macedo

Title in English Mirror Games of the Missing Woman in the fiction of David Mourao-Ferreira and Helder Macedo


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Philologia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords posthumous heroine; Ligeia; Edgar Allan Poe; Helder Macedo; David Mourao-Ferreira
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Description The article analyses two Portuguese fictional texts, in which an analogy of the topic of the posthumous heroine, treated by E.A. Poe, could be traced: a short-story “Vera e o Acidente” (As Quatro Estacoes, 1980) by David Mourao-Ferreira and a novel Tao Longo Amor, Tao Curta a Vida (2013) by Hélder Macedo. In addition to the principal topic of the return of a lost/dead woman, both fictions are concerned with the mythic legacy (especially with the myth of Persefone). The analyse is based on thematology and imagology.
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