Publication details

Migrující jednotlivec jako nositel vlivů formujících trávení volného času na moravském venkově v období tzv. normalizace

Title in English Individual in motion and his influence to the changes of leisure time spending in the Moravian countryside during so called normalization era


Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Paper introduces doctoral research focused on processes, which leaded socio-cultural changes of Moravian countryside during second part of 20th century. Based on wider context, research deals with interest on influences and inspirations, which formed change of social life and collective spending of leisure time during so-called normalization era in socialist Czechoslovakia. For this period was typical not only new technologies introduction and intervention of state power leading to change of countryside social structure or form of living. Important influence was taken also by expansion of mobility. Commuting to work or study became more common with availability of public transport or private car. Not only named processes leaded to new possibilities of transmissions and establishing of influences, phenomenons and inspirations connected with interest of music or sport and modifying leisure time spending, as phenomena also relatively new, especially in the countryside. Individual person travelling between places, communities and social circumstances can be seen as one, who supports establishing of new phenomenons. Initiative of individuals and their possibility to involve style, ideas and values of locally or generationally specified communities presents one of interpretation pillars of presented doctoral research. In this paper would be presented examples of transmission of motives connected witch leisure time based on local or wider social connections. Long-term research conducted in South-western Moravia is methodologically based on oral history method and interest of life stories. Account is taken also to the context of belonging perception to place, space and more or less spatially defined communities.

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