Publication details

Labour and the ecological crisis : The eco-modernist dilemma in western Marxism(s) (1970s-2000s)

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BARCA Stefanie

Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Geoforum
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field History
Keywords Political ecology; Labour environmentalism; Western Europe; Production/reproduction; Raymond Williams; Laura Conti; André Gorz; Maria Mies
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Description The article offers an intellectual critique of Marxist political ecology as developed in western Europe between the 1970s and 2000s, focusing on the labour/ecology nexus. My critique is based on the intersection of two levels of analysis: (1) the historical evolution of labour environmentalism, focusing on what I will call the eco-modernist dilemma of labour; (2) the meaning of class politics in relation to the politics of the environment, with a special focus on the production/reproduction dialectic. Focusing on the work of four Marxist intellectuals whose ideas resonated with various social movements across the Left spectrum (labour, environmentalism, feminism and degrowth), the article shows how the current entrenchment of labour within the politics of eco-modernization hides a number of internal fractures and alternative visions of ecology that need to be spelled out in order to open the terrain for a rethinking of ecological politics in class terms today.
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