Publication details

Comparison of Two Polynomial Calibration Methods



Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Mathematics, Information Technologies and Applied Science 2017
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation RÁBOŇOVÁ, Petra. Comparison of Two Polynomial Calibration Methods. Online. In Jaromír Baštinec and Miroslav Hrubý. Mathematics, Information Technologies and Applied Science 2017. Brno: University of Defence, 2017, p. 193-207. ISBN 978-80-7582-026-6.
Field Applied statistics, operation research
Keywords kalibration; transformation function; transformation curve; maximum likelihood method; Kenward Roger's type of approximation
Description In the contribution we focused on comparison of two polynomial calibration methods. We compare a method based on maximum likelihood method, and a method using linearised model with errors in variables and Kenward Roger's type of aproximation. First, we introduce models for boths procedures. Then we estimate unknown parameters of transformation function with use of these models. We compare both methods in a small simulation study.
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