Publication details

Vybrané problémy práce na komentované edici cestopisu Kryštofa Haranta z Polžic a Bezdružic

Title in English Working on the Commented Edition of the Travelogue of Christopher Harant of Polzice and Bezdruzice: Selected Issues


Year of publication 2017
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In the contribution, selected problems that the author encountered during her work (in cooperation with the chief editor, doc. Hana Bočková, ÚČL FF MU) on the first complete edition of the travelogue of Bohemian nobleman Christopher Harant of Polzice and Bezdruzice (first published in 1608) were presented to media representatives and, subsequently, to scholarly public. The author introduced her work on editing Latin and Greek texts in the travelogue and selected aspects of work on the commentary to ancient authors, history, life etc.

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