Publication details

Implementace nástrojů rozšířené reality a kontextově dostupných služeb do prezentací koncepce regionálního rozvoje

Title in English Implementation of tools of augmented reality and location-based services into the presentations of the regional development


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Krizové řízení a řešení krizových situací
Keywords augmented reality; location-based services; conception; regional development; tools
Description The aim of this article is presentation of approaches for creation of dynamized data of strategic parts of strategies for community-led local development of local action groups (LAG) in Czechia. These strategies are prepared for augmented reality mobile application. Also this article familiarize the reader with augmented reality and location-based services, which is necessarily for understanding the project as a whole. The result is dynamized set of strategic parts of SCLLD of all local action groups in the Zlín region, which could be transformed to augmented reality using the web platform.

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