Publication details

Jak může muzejní pedagogika spolupracovat s oborem sociální pedagogiky a kde jsou jejich styčné body: příklady z praxe

Title in English How can museum pedagogy work together with the field of social pedagogy and where are their intersections: examples from practice


Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Museum pedagogy and social pedagogy are disciplines that can work together and enrich each other. The topic of education and the development of critical thinking, cultivation of personality, orientation to cultural values and the importance of the past for human life, as well as working with the local community, interest in identity construction, cooperation with schools and many other topics are areas that are the focus of both disciplines. The aim of the paper is to discuss the mutual relationship of both disciplines and to indicate the possible benefits of their mutual cooperation both on theoretical and practical level. Museums are places that offer the suitable space for the practice of social pedagogy. At the same time, social pedagogy (due to the content of its field of study) has something to say to museum pedagogy. The discussed issue will be illustrated on practical examples which were subjected to a research surveys. Attention will be paid to the theme of the museum's connection with the local community and the relationship of the museum to the everyday life of its visitors. Both topics will be demonstrated on the research findings of two research surveys.
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