Publication details

Práce s nadanými žáky na základní škole

Title in English The Work with Gifted Students on the Elementary School


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Nadaní žáci ve škole: sborník referátů z virtuálního workshopu
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords gifted pupil, an individual education plan, school counseling services, aducational and psychological counseling services, diagnosis of gifted pupil, education
Description The actual topic of this study is to analyze the work and the relationship of teachers for gifted pupils in primary schools. The study is divided into two chapters. The first part deals with the theoretical bases issue. It includes basic concepts of the study area and their explanations. The second part is devoted to research investigation to identify and evaluate the strategy and intentions of the school in connection with the implementation of the Education Act no. 561/2004 Coll., § 17, § 18, § 19 and the Decree of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports no. 73/2005 Coll.
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