Publication details

IX. studentská vědecká konference Katedry českého jazyka a literatury. 23. března 2017



Year of publication 2017
Type Editing of thematic compilation, editing of monothematic issue of profesional journal
Description The publication presents contributions from a scientific conference that took place on 23rd March 2017. There were university students of bachelor’s, master’s and doctor’s study who participated at the conference. Two articles are literary (Šárka Ivanovičová – Circus Motives in Ivan Olbracht’s Works and Lucie Mikušová – Characters of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson in Rudolf Čechura’s Stories), four articles are didactical (Iva Janoušová – Pupils’ Reading Literacy in Connection with Usage of Critical Thinking Methods in Teaching, Petra Tužilová – Look at Medial Image of Children’s Readership and Reading Literacy in the Czech Republic, Hana Havelková – Pupil with a Different Mother Tongue in Process of Czech Language Acquirement and Anna Heraltová – Theoretic Foundations for Verification of Romany Children’s Ability to Work with Texts at Elementary Schools), two articles are focused on linguistics (Pavlína Zouharová – Advertising – its Types and Language Means and Jesika Mlčochová – Creation of E-learning Materials for Portal Umíme č

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