Publication details

Antropomorfismus jako metodologický problém animal ethics

Title in English Anthropomorphism as a methodological problem of animal ethics


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Etické myslenie minulosti a súčasnosti (ETPP 2017/18) Človek v súčasnej etike
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords bioethics; anthropomorphism; animal behaviour; pain; evolution
Description The paper aims to highlight the serious methodological problem of contemporary bioethics (especially animal ethics topics). In the discourse on the issue of pain and suffering of animals and in derived questions, a certain form of anthropomorphism is manifested. Ethical applications of empirical research results that are relevant to humans (or humans anatomically and physiologically analogous animal species) are preferred. Subsequently, these extrapolations serve as a criterion for judging the qualitative level of the capabilities of all animals. Serious ethical conclusions are drawn from this reduction.

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