Publication details

Funkcii russkogo bespredložnogo vinitelnogo padeža na fone istoričeskogo razvitija jazyka

Title in English The Function of the Russian Non-Prepositional Accusative in the Background of Historical Development


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Lingvistyčni studiji
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords simple accusative; case system of Russian; direct object; transitive verbs; predicative; historical development of Russian
Attached files
Description Within the case system of Russian the accusative case occupies a special position. Its basic function is to express the direct object of transitive verbs or the predicative. Exploring the language material from old and contemporary Russian, it is then possible to demonstrate specific features of the operation of accusative as a direct object in the course oh historical development.

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