Publication details

Rostrokonchy z devonských sedimentů moravskoslezské pánve

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Title in English Rostroconchs from Devonian sediments of the Moravo-Silesian Basin


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Zprávy o geologických výzkumech
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation Chyba/Error
Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords Rostroconchia; Mollusca; Devonian; Moravo-Silesian Basin
Description This paper focuses on rostroconchs in thin sections from localities with Drahany (basinal) facies development (Horní Benešov ore mine) and Moravian Karst (platform) facies development (Křtiny Brook valley, Lesní lom Quarry and Šumbera section) in the time interval from Eifelian to Famennian. Rostroconchs from the Devonian of the Moravo-Silesian Basin possess at least two distinguishable shell layers. The outer shell layer is beige to brownish, and forms also surface sculpture and distinct internal ribs. Especially at internal ribs, fine prismatic microstructure and growth bands are visible. Such a very good preservation might indicate original calcite mineralogy and/or former admixture of possible organic or phosphate ligands. The inner shell layer consisted of aragonite and was commonly dissolved before its replacement by sparry calcite cement.
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