Publication details

Profesní portfolio učitele

Title in English The Profesional teacher´s portfolio


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 11. mezinárodní vědecká konference – Didaktická konference 2017
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords professional portfolio; pedagogical practice; teacher's work presentation; self-reflection;
Description The new career charter of the teaching profession in the Czech Republic will be implemented from September 2017. The paper describes the portfolio as a tool for professional and personal growth of the teacher, but also as a source for the evaluation of teaching work. The authors point out possible risks in the processing of the portfolio. The features and goals of the portfolio are further characterized in the text. The authors present the individual phases of the portfolio and describe how it is possible to work with the material included in the portfolio. Systematically arranged material in the portfolio should help the teacher to better present his work. The teacher will be able to return back to his / her present activities in his / her portfolio. The portfolio should not only be about the knowledge and skills, but also the developing attitudes of the teacher. An example of pedagogical practice is the possibility of presenting the teacher's work. This is mainly about the inclusion of examples of typological or extraordinary practices in the portfolio.

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