Publication details

Nález žebratky bahenní (Hottonia palustris) na Svitavsku

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Title in English A finding of Hottonia palustris in the Svitavy Region


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Východočeský sborník přírodovědný. Práce a studie.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Botany
Keywords aquatic macrophytes; aquatic vegetation; E Bohemia; NW Moravia; phytogeography; plant recording
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Description Two new finding of aquatic macrophyte Hottonia palustris are reported in the paper from the Svitavy Region (E Bohemia/NW Moravia, Czech Republic). The first site of occurrence is a small forest pool W from the village of Opatov where the population of the species covers approximately 30 m2. The second site is a wet alder woodland near the forest pond Vašík, E from the village of Gajer. Vegetation with Hottonia was documented by three phytosociological relevés. Vegetation in the first locality can be classified within the association Hottonietum palustris (alliance Ranunculion aquatilis),in the second locality it can be assigned to the association Carici acutiformis-Alnetum (alliance Alnion glutinosae). The origin of discovered populations is doubtful. The first is rather secondary, two other probably planted species were observed there – Acorus calamus and Menyanthes trifoliata. The origin of the second one is unclear.
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