Publication details

Potřeby seniorů v práci s internetem – výsledky kvalitativního šetření

Title in English Seniors' needs to work with the Internet – the results of qualitative research


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source ProInflow
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Digitální knihovna FF MU
Field Documentation, library studies, information management
Keywords Information literacy; senior citizens; digital divide; internet; information and communication technologies
Description The article presents the methodology and the results of the qualitative research which was realised during the spring 2017 and which was focused on the Czech senior´s information needs within their Internet use. This research was based on media literacy and literacy standards. The purpose of the qualitative research was to recognize and describe what topics is the target group interested in, what their motivation to use the Internet is and how and why they are searching for information. Nine people over the age of 65 possessing basic computer skills participated. To select the research sample, the non-probability method of purposive sampling, combined with self-selection sampling was chosen. The main categories emerging from this research will be used for quantitative research.
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