Publication details

O nový divadelní řád : poznámky k diskusi o divadelním zákonu v českém tisku 1945–1948

Title in English Struggles for the new theatre law : notes to the press discussion on the new theatre law in Czechoslovakia 1945–1948


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Theatralia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Digitální knihovna FF MU
Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords theatre; the Czechoslovakia 1945–48; law; culture; cultural politics; totalitarianism
Description The study presents the escalation of ideologically and politically loaded discussions in both popular and professional press that preceded the passing of new theatre bill in the Czechoslovakia, 1945–48. The author analyses the arguments of the respective politicians, theatre professionals, theatre critics and journalists relating them to current socio-political contexts, i. e. the 1945 liberation of the country from Nazi occupation, elections of 1946, and the governmental crisis in February 1948. The attention is paid to the specificity of the individual media and their employment in communicating ideologies, stressing the fact that almost all of the papers were merely spreading the propaganda of the Communist Party.
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