Publication details

Vyučování v českém jazyce z hlediska aktuálních výukových trendů se zřetelem k potřebám české minority v Chorvatsku

Title in English Teaching in Czech from the point of view of current educational trends, taking into account the needs of the Czech minority in Croatia


Year of publication 2017
Type Workshop
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The workshop focused on the presentation of scientific research at the departments of the Pedagogical Faculty of MU in the field of pedagogy, Czech didactics and inclusive education. The workshop took place in cooperation with the primary and nursery schools in Hodonín with the participation of Czech teachers of Czech minority teachers from Croatia. The participants were able to draw on the conclusions of the research project Special needs of pupils in the context of the Framework Educational Program for Basic Education (MSM0021622443) and the Modern Greek Grammar Project (ESF CZ.1.07 / 2.2.00 / 15.0275) and to confront the current knowledge of language education and application inclusion in education in the Czech Republic and Croatia.
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