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Podnikatelské aktivity Jana Vacy v prvních desetiletích 20. století na střední a severní Moravě (se zaměřením na cukrovarnictví)

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Title in English Jan Vaca´s business activities in Central and Northern Moravia in the first decades of the 20th century (with a focus on sugar industry)

ČAPKA František

Year of publication 2017
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The boom of the sugar industry in Moravia internar-time period was associated with the presence of many prominent businessman. These are mainly members of the Republican party. Special attention deserves Jan Vaca, a native of Haná, which built on the central and northem Moravia massive sugar complex. Its business activities are carried out quickly and rapidly, largely to inadequale financial and material foundations. Energetically plunged into a grand plans, but they were not enough to materialy, economically and professionally quaranteed. This ultimately led to the collapse of his bussiness. The contribution on the basis of the study of archival materials and literatur descibes the movemeents in the production of sugar.
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