Publication details

Externí standardy a méně běžně vyučované jazyky

Title in English External Standards and Less Commonly Taught Languages


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source CASALC Review
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Keywords less commonly taught languages; Arabic; CEFR; ACTFL; language proficiency
Description The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages was developed as a general guide whose ambitions are far from being prescriptive. It can be applied to a range of commonly taught languages within the European context. A problem may arise when we need to align tests or exams for less commonly taught languages to its proficiency levels. The article introduces and compares two external standards commonly used in Europe and America (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines respectively) in standardised testing. It discusses their applicability to Arabic whose language proficiency test development is significantly affected and complicated by its specifics. Several examples of Arabic tests that declare alignment with the CEFR proficiency levels are also provided and commented on.

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