Publication details

Zur Motivation tschechischer Schüler zum Deutschlernen nach Englisch.

Title in English Motivation of Czech pupils to learn German after English.


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Bildungsziel: Mehrsprachigkeit
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation FUKOVÁ, Petra. Zur Motivation tschechischer Schüler zum Deutschlernen nach Englisch. (Motivation of Czech pupils to learn German after English.). In Alina Dittmann, Beata Giblak, Monika Witt. Bildungsziel: Mehrsprachigkeit. Leipzig: Internationales Konsortium Mehrsprachigkeit als Chance, 2015, p. 148-161. ISBN 978-3-86583-945-9.
Keywords motivation to learn foreign languages; multilingualism; learner
Description This paper describes a research project which was carried out at two Czech grammar schools focusing on the motivation of learners when learning German after English and their attitudes towards the language and culture in question. Both grammar schools were deliberately chosen in different regions of the Czech Republic in order to establish whether the proximity to German-speaking countries has any influence on motivation.
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