Publication details

Faktory ovlivňující volbu střední školy u žáků se specifickými poruchami učení.

Title in English Factors influencing secondary school choice in students with specific learning disabilities


Year of publication 2017
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The research publication deals with analysis of subjective perception of factors which might influence secondary school choice in students with specific learning disabilities (SLD). Within the quantitative research strategy applied via questionnaire of own design, 5 selected areas of the factors were reflected. Topical areas were selected based on deep literature analysis of national and international research sources. Research sample consisted of 237 9th grade students of mainstream elementary schools supporting education of students with specific learning disabilities. In overall, 110 intact students and 127 SLD students were involved. The research results together with established research hypothesis were statistically analysed.
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