Publication details

Google Docs in Language Teaching and Learning


BILOVÁ Štěpánka

Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source CASALC Review
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Keywords Google Docs; English for Specific Purposes (ESP); legal English; language teaching; ICT
Description A shared online environment enabling multiple users to edit documents simultaneously, e.g. wikispaces or Google Docs, has become very popular in classes focused on developing writing skills or in any language classrooms. The paper provides an overview of literature dealing with the use of Google Docs in teaching and then presents tried and tested Google Docs activities which proved to be effective within university ESP courses not specialized in writing. The examples are taken from the context of legal English; however, they can be easily adapted to other professional, academic or general settings. The activities concern mainly in-class situations and they exploit Google Docs as a tool which facilitates fulfilling language tasks, rather than employing Google Docs as the main instrument of enhancing the skills.

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