Publication details

Complex study of the open cluster NGC 2281



Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Astrometry and astrophysics in the Gaia sky
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords complex study; NGC 2281; membership probability
Description We present the complex study of the open cluster NGC 2281 where both traditional and newly developed methods for study of open clusters have been used. Morphological and dynamical parameters of the cluster were obtained from the accepted astrometric data. The new method “Superposition of Gaussian surfaces” along with proper motion of stars was used to determine membership probabilities which were helpful in selection of stars for further analysis. Metallicity and radial velocity of the cluster were obtained from spectroscopic measurements. Age, colour excess, and distance of the cluster were determined using absolute CCD photometry combined with previous results. The results were compared with those of previous studies.

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