Publication details

Monitoring vodních zdrojů, vodních ploch a vodotečí v ploše průzkumného území Čihadlo, Magdaléna, Březový potok a Čertovka

Title in English Monitoring of water resources, reservoirs and streams in area of research sites Čihadlo, Magdaléna, Březový potok a Čertovka


Year of publication 2018
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web Informace o spolupráci SÚRAO s MU při výzkumu hydrogeologických poměrů průzkumných lokalit hlubinného ukládání radiokativního odpadu
Description The measurements of streams flow rate, springs discharge, hydraulic heads fluctuation and physico-chemical parameters were performed at observed sites Čihadlo, Magdaléna, Březový potok and Čertovka in 2017. These parameters were observed during 8 field periods in 20 watersheds per each observed site, selected according to the results of winter stream thermometry. Also, two hydro-loggers allowing a continuous measurement of flow rates and hydraulic heads were used in each observed site. The area of observed watersheds was determined by GIS, thus the specific total outflow and specific baseflow were assessed. Considering the 20 observed watersheds in each observed site, the spatial distribution of specific discharge was revealed. The mean specific baseflow observed in representative watersheds in 2017 is in the observed site Čihadlo 1.9 l/s/km2, Magdaléna 2 /s/km2, Březový potok 3 l/s/km2 and Čertovka 1.2 /s/km2. Chemical analysis from 10 measured sites collected in each observed site proved the dominance of Ca and Mg cations and HCO3 and SO4 anions. The different Na cation dominance was observed in Čihadlo observed site. Reflecting the results of stream thermometry, a part of monitored groundwater discharges is conditioned by the presence of fault system or contact of different rock types and drains the deeper groundwater flow. The groundwater at this points is characteristic by relatively stable temperature and discharge during the year and also by chemical composition, which is generally more influenced by ion exchange and sulphide oxidation. The temporal and spatial distribution of parameters measured in 2017 confirms the results of stream thermometry.

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