Publication details

Video Summaries of Academic Texts


ŠTĚPÁNEK Libor ARRIAGA Constanza Guillermina

Year of publication 2018
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Description This chapter introduces a case study on the use of video summaries in a university setting. It presents a practical insight into a simple, yet complex and versatile activity that aims at improving the language and communication skills of students in authentic intercultural academic situations. This activity has been developed, implemented and used in language courses at Masaryk University (MU) Brno, Czech Republic, and Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS), Bahía Blanca, Argentina, since February 2014. Students undertaking language courses at MU and UNS write texts and record video summaries outside of class. They then reflect and discuss linguistic, cultural and organisational topics in class or online discussion forums. The activity consits of a set of interconnected tasks that improve students´ understanding of similarities and differences between written and spoken styles, encourage their learning autonomy and enhance the authenticity of their language development.

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