Publication details

Pracovníci školního poradenského pracoviště v inkluzivním prostředí škol hlavního vzdělávacího proudu v Jihomoravském kraji

Title in English Staff of School Counselling Center in Inclusive Environment of Mainstream Schools in the South-Moravian Region


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Štúdie zo špeciálnej pedagogiky
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords counseling; school counseling center; counseling staff; expert advisor; school special educator; school psychologist
Description Main objective of the research study was to analyze the activities of the individual staff of the school counseling center in mainstream schools. On the basis of the main objective partial aims were set, which were mainly focused on analyzing the knowledge of the headmasters of primary schools in the area of the state level of curriculum documents (Framework Educational Program for Elementary Education) and the school level of curriculum documents (school educational program of the school), identifying the main source of information for headmasters on individual types of disability or disadvantage, or determining the level of cooperation between teachers and the staff of the school counseling center. These aims were based on three hypotheses which were tested in the research study. All determined hypotheses were confirmed on the basis of the obtained results. To achieve the aim of the research study was used a quantitative method in the form of a questionnaire of own design.
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