Publication details

Friedrich Kaiser. Der vergessene Wiener Volksdichter.

Title in English Friedrich Kaiser. The forgotten Viennese folk poet.


Year of publication 2018
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The Viennese theater poet Friedrich Kaiser (1814-1874) is almost completely forgotten. His grave of honor alone at the Vienna Central Cemetery and an alley named after him in the 16th district of Vienna are reminiscent of the playwright today. Although he was in his lifetime, next to Johann Nestroy, one of the most popular and most played playwrights of the Viennese suburban stages. The two also represent two opposing poetologies of the popular play. Because in contrast to Nestroy's satirical-humoristic antics, emperor's work took a different path. Based on a few remarks in Kaiser's autobiographical writings and selected passages of a piece, the lecture aims to give an insight into his aesthetic intentions as well as his influence on the theatrical critique of the time.

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